The Queer History Month is organized for the first time ever in Finland during 20.10-20.11.2018. The month is coordinated by Seta ry and Culture for All.
The history and cultural heritage of Finnish sexual and gender minorities is made visible during the month by several central cultural and memory organizations.
Participants in the Queer History Month includes for example the Labor Archives, the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Aine Art Museum, Ateneum Art Museum, AV Arkki, Finnish Literature Society, Goethe Institute, Helsinki City Museum, National Museum, National Theater, Swedish Literature Society in Finland and Yle Elävä Arkisto / Archive.
Seta ry and Culture for all welcome all memory organizations and art institutions, schools and associations as well as private individuals to participate in the celebration of the Queer History Month. The purpose of the month is to review Finnish history and culture from a queerperspective and include the queer story in our common cultural heritage. The program during the Queer History Month inlcudes among others an event queer history within the theatre world, a history event about the work for LGBT rights in the Parliament and Setas remembrance evening aimde for rainbow seniors.
Organizations, schools and individuals can participate in the Queer History Month through for example by:
1. sharing material and images associated with queer history on social media with the hashtags #sateenkaarihistoriakuukausi #queerhistoriskmånad #queerhistorymonth
2. Organize discussions, seminars and exhibitions in connection with the history of LGBT. Tools and ideas for queering culture events can be found here (in Finnish and Swedish).
Register your own program for the Queer History Month program! The information about events is gathered by Seta, you can register using this form:
Seta ry and Culture for All will spread information about these events through their own channels.
3. By offering LGBT-related materials to archives and network services for collecting memories for example by submitting or sharing memories through the @Unohtumattomat hetket -Facebookpage or webpage. Another similar online service for memory gathering i Muistikko.
The last week of the Queer History Month is dedicated to gender diversity and transgender persons. The month ends 20.11.2018 with the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Seta brings all program together on the website: On the site will be a calendar, where all the Queer History Month program are available. Seta makes at least two FB updates of each event. In addition, the events are included in Seta’s newsletter and in the news Seta’s webpages.
More information
Rita Paqvalén, 040–6743528, /
Kerttu Tarjamo, 050 309 8108, /