Join us and start writing letters to incoming members of the Parliament of Finland!
Us young people of the lgbtia-community often feel like politicians don’t quite understand what it’s like to be a young lgbtia person, and therefore we’re not always included in the decisions, even when those decisions directly affect our daily lives. In order to get our voices heard in the Parliament, it’s important to bring forth our own individual stories and ideas.
We at Seta’s Youth Committee want to encourage young lgbtia people to write about their life, their problems and anything they’ve always wanted the members of parliament to know. You can also write about how different changes in the legislation could personally change your life as a person of sexual/gender minority.
We mean to give these letters to the chairs of Parliamentary Groups, relevant committees and to the new possible Parliament’s LGBT- network after the elections. Our main goal is to build new understanding between decision-makers and young lgbtia people and in doing so, help the members of parliament to take us in consideration when they’re making important decisions. This way we’re also helping the members of parliament in making better decisions and being a part of a better, more equal Finland. The letters can also be published on our social media if given the permission of the writer.
On behalf of the Youth Committee,
Seve Hujanen, chairperson