- Human rights advocacy organisation
- Founded in 1974
- 50 member organisations
- Activities all over the country
- The activities also include social work and youth work
- Runs the Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise and Online Youth house Loiste
- Works in partnership with other non-governmental organizations and authorities in Finland and internationally
- A member of the following organizations: ILGA-Europe, Transgender Europe, IGLYO, SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health, Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi, Family Federation of Finland and Finnish Development NGOs Fingo. Supportive member of Finnish League for human rights and European Lesbian Community.
- The office is located in Merihaka in Helsinki
- Employs currently 14 people
- The main funders are STEA and the Ministry of Education and Culture
Seta – LGBTIQ Rights in Finland is a national human rights NGO. Seta aims for a society of equality and individual welfare that includes everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics. Seta has 50 member organisations around the country (during year 2024), ranging from local branches to national thematic organizations such as the Rainbow Families and elderly LGBTIQA+ people’s organisations.
Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise is a special unit providing free support and advice related to gender identity and expression. Youth house Loiste is a professionally led safe space on Discord. Our dedicated social and youth workers offer group chats and counseling to LGBTIQA+ youth aged 13 and up.
Seta and its member organizations gather and share information on sexual orientation and gender identity to help and support people and to influence the society. Seta wants to eradicate prejudice and discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in Finnish legislation as well as in all fields and structures of society.
Seta’s and its member organisations’ activities are run by a large number of volunteers and a number of employed staff. In Seta’s office at Merihaka, Helsinki, several gatherings, trainings and peer group meetings are organized almost on a weekly basis. At the office we have a dressing room that is mainly used by cross dressers.
Most of Seta’s funding in the national level comes from STEA and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Member organisations receive grants from local municipalities and foundations and they collect membership fees. Member organisations can apply for small grants from Seta annually.
Seta’s work is based on solidarity, equality and accessibility. LGBTIQA+ people speak different languages, come from all ethnic, cultural, political and religious groups and have various physical abilities and impairments. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to take part in all activities. Seta also strengthens people’s skills and knowledge so that they are more able to promote equality in their own environment and also through Seta.
Seta’s highest decision-making body is the annual Representatives’ assembly (edustajakokous). In the assembly representatives of Seta’s member organizations adopt an action plan and budget for the upcoming year and elect a chairperson, vice-chairpersons and board members. Council meeting (valtuusto) in Spring is the second annual meeting where Seta’s annual report and financial accounts are approved.
Seta has a chairperson, two vice-chairpersons, five board members and two substitute board members. Seta’s chairperson 2023–2024 is Pekka Rantala. Members of the board participate in Seta’s advocacy and act as representatives of the organization in numerous bodies and conferences. Board members also participate in Seta’s internal working groups. The board has a meeting almost every month.
Seta has 50 member organisations throughout the country. Some of the organisations operate nationwide and some on a local or regional level. Seta’s member organisations have about 4,000 members. The national Seta has currently over 30 supporting members that are mainly student unions and political youth organizations.
Seta makes extensive advocacy work. We advocate towards ministries, political parties, local governments and educational institutions along with our Finnish and international partners to promote the basic and human rights and welfare of LGBTI people. Seta’s political advocacy is conducted by the board, secretary general and volunteers in our committees and working groups.
Seta has wide-ranging cooperation with human rights organisations, youth and student organisations as well as social and health care actors. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen human rights and Finnish civil society.
Seta’s Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise its services to all trans and intersex persons, to those pondering their gender and to their close ones. Support is offered through counseling and therapy by the staff, peer group activities and other events organised by volunteers. We provides information on gender diversity to different target groups. The services are free of charge, except for professional trainings and camps.
A significant part of Seta’s activities are professional trainings. The national Seta trains about 4,000 people each year. Seta also trains volunteers to visit schools and youth camps.
Seta publishes annually a positive award, the ”Apple of Good Information”. It’s given to someone who has promoted the human rights of LGBTI people. In the past Seta has also nominated “The Rat of Honor”, a title given to a person or organisation that has expressed discriminatory opinions about LGBTI people, has discriminated against them or has in some other way given LGBTI people a hard time.
By following Seta’s website, Facebook pages Seta (common information), Setan nuoret (Seta’s youth) and Sukupuolen moninaisuuden osaamiskeskus (Gender Diversity & Intersex Centre of Expertise), Instagram (@seta_ry) and Finnish LGBTIQ Youth (@setanuoret) and our newsletters you’ll stay in touch about what is going on. Our social media activities are run mainly in Finnish. Seta has also several publications and video materials that have to some extent been translated into other languages.
A lot of activities are organized by Seta’s member organizations. Pride events gather tens of thousands of people each year. The biggest LGBTIQA+ event in Finland is the annual Helsinki Pride. Member organizations also organise among others Vinokino Film Festival, camps and parties and offer advice to LGBTIA+. A significant part of the member organisations’ activities is the peer groups. Seta supports member organisations by training and coaching as well as through providing financial and fundraising support.
Seta aims for a society where everyone can live in dignity on equal basis regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We want to change legislation and make sure that human rights-based laws really have an effect on everyday life.
Our viewpoint is based on human rights and self-determination. Key issues for us in the following years are intersex rights, self-determination regarding gender for minors, equal family law and the wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ children and youth and elderly people.