Today, Seta organised together with the Human Rights Centre and the government’s network for human rights focal points a seminar on the results of the big LGBT survey of the EU Fundamental Rights agency (FRA). Also ILGA-Europe Rainbow map and index and Transgender Europe trans rights map were presented. LGBTI and other human rights activists, representatives of ministries and equality bodies as well as researchers discussed broadly the need to step up action to improve the situation of LGBTI people in Finland. The seminar was hosted by the Human Rights Centre in the Parliament.
Jörg Gebhard from FRA presented central findings of the FRA LGBT survey regarding Finland. Experiences of LGBT people of violence and threat are more frequent than the EU average according to the survey. Only 3% of the Finnish respondents had always been open about their identity during their school time, compared with 4% in EU.
FRA presented recommendations to Finland and other member states. Member states should among others support equality bodies in informing LGBT people about their rights and defending those rights. Trade unions and employers should be encouraged to adopt diversity policies inclusive of LGBTI perspectives. Trans people’s situation should receive special attention.
In education, LGBTI issues sold be mainstreamed in school curricula. A safe environment for pupils and students cannot be created without attention to equality and non-discrimination regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.
During the seminar, many concrete suggestions for cooperation between various actors were made. There are also several legislative and other procedures going on where LGBTI issues could be taken into account. Advocacy by Seta and other human rights organisations continues.
More information:
Video about the results:
Data can be explored also country-by-country